Autor: E. Gaddini
Editora: Routledge
Ano: 2009
Nº págs.: 220
Peso: 420 grs
Categoria Principal: Livros em Inglês
Foreword by Robert S. Wallerstein Xl
Acknowledgements XV
Introduction by Adam Limentani 1
1 On imitation (1969) 18
2 Aggression and the pleasure principIe: towards a psychoanalytic theory of aggression (1972) 35
3 Beyond the death instinct: problems of psychoanalytic research on aggression (1972) 46
4 Formation of the father and the primal scene (1974) 61
5 On father formation in early child development (1976) 83
6 Therapeutic technique in psychoanalysis: research, controversies and evolution (1975) 90
7 The invention of space in psychoanalysis (1976) 104
8 Notes on the mind-body question (1980) 119
9 Early defensive fantasies and the psychoanalytical process (1981) 142
10 Acting out in the psychoanalytic session (1982) 154
11 The pre-syrnbolic activity of the infant mind (1984) 164
12 The mask and the circle (1985) 177
13 Changes in psychoanalytic patients up to the present day (1984) 186
Bibliography 204
Name index 210
Subject index 212