Autor: Mauro Mancia
Editora: Routledge
Ano: 2007
Nº págs.: 251
Categoria Principal: Livros em Inglês
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Foreword by Arnold Cooper Xll1
Acknowledgements XIX
Introduction: beyond Freud: the twilight of Oedipus and the neurosciences contribution to psychoanalysis 1
Part One
Memory and the unconscious 29
1 Memory between neuroscience and psychoanalysis 31
2 Implicit memory and unrepressed unconscious: their role in creativity, in the transference and in dreams 51
3 Therapeutic (f)actors in the theater of memory 63
Part Two
The dream: between neuroscience and psychoanalysis 79
4 The labyrinth of the night: biology, poetry and theology 81
5 The dream: between neuroscience and psychoanalysis 88
6 The dream: a window onto the transference 101
Part Three
Further reflections on narcissism and other clinical topics 113
7 Further historical/critical and clinical reflections on narcissism 115
8 Being with the patient: four clinical cases 144
9 Reality and metaphor in the analytical relation: transference love 164
10 Sexuality, such sweet folly 190
11 On happiness 203
12 On mental pain 210
Notes 219
References 223
lndex 243