Autor: Jorge L. Ahumada
Editora: Routledge
Ano: 2011
Nº págs.: 254
Categoria Principal: Livros em Inglês
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Foreword Xl
Preface XV
Permission acknowledgements XVll
Introduction: on the place and limits of psychoanalytic knowing 1
1 Logical types and ostensive insight 19
2 Interpretation and creationism 31
3 What is a clinical fact? Clinical psychoanalysis as inductive method 48
4 Body, meaning and language 65
5 Fact, context, image, narrative: a bio-logical approach 78
6 Toward the epistemology of clinical psychoanalysis 94
7 Disclosures and refutations: clinical psychoanalysis as a logic of enquiry 115
8 Counterinduction in psychoanalytic practice: epistemic and technical aspects 133
9 Logical and communicationallevels of transference 154
10 The double work on the clinical evidences, and the nature and limits of symbolization 163
11 The analytic mind at work: counterinductive knowledge and the blunders of so-called theory of science 181
Postscript: What hath God wrought? A plea for insight in media society 201
Glossary 208
Notes 215
References 220
Index 238