Autor: Antonino Ferro
Editora: Routledge
Ano: 2009
Nº págs.: 225
Categoria Principal: Livros em Inglês
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1 Screenplays and film sets 1
The opening up of possible worlds 2
Supervisions as detective stories 7
How to speak in order to be understood 14
Recapitulatian 24
2 Digressians on interpretatian 39
3 Psychosomatic pathology or metaphor: problems of the boundary 73
Minimum certainties 73
Maximum (optimistic) aspirations 85
4 Homosexualities: a field ripe for ploughing 107
5 A model af the mind and its clínical implications: how to turn back in order to move forward 133
6 lnstructions for seafarers and the shipwrecked: signals from the analytic field and emotional transformations 151
7 The patients respanse to interpretations and events in the field 167
A disease called campulsive transference interpretation 171
The truth af autabiagraphy and the lies of psychoanalysis 177
8 Terminations orthodox and unorthodox 181
9 Narcissism and frontier areas 201
References 217
Index 221