Autor: Harriet Kimble Wrye / Judith K. Welles
Editora: Routledge
Ano: 2009
Nº págs.: 237
Categoria Principal: Livros em Inglês
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I Story Making
Words and Stories in Narrative Space 1
When the Story Doesnt Flow 21
II Maternal Erotic Transferences and Countertransferences
The Maternal Erotic Transference 33
The Maternal Erotic Countertransference 61
The Birth of Desire 89
III Perversions: Derangements of Desire
Perverse Narratives: The Threat of New Narratives 105
of Desire
A Horrible Dry Hollow: Lost in Arid Deadspace 137
IV Permutations and Transformations Related to Gender
Erotic Terror in Men: Fear of the Early Maternal 157
Erotic Transference
Wheres Poppa? The Appearance of Paternal 173
Transferences in the Face of Early Maternal
Oedipus and the Spruce Goose: A Narration of an 203
Oedipal Transition
References 225
lndex 232