Código: 0415592593

Marca: Routledge

Autor: Elizabeth Bott Spillius e cols.
Editora: Routledge
Ano: 2011
Nº págs.: 558
Peso: 940 grs
Categoria Principal: Livros em Inglês

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Preface X
Acknowledgements XII

Main entries 1
I Unconscious phantasy 3
2 Child analysis 16
3 Internal objects 40
4 Paranoid-schizoid position 63
5 Depressive position 84
6 Oedipus complex 103
7 Projective identification 126
8 Superego 147
9 Envy 166
10 Symbol formation 184
11 Pathological organisations 194
12 Technique 216

General entries 237
Karl Abraham 239
Acting-out/acting-in 242
Adhesive identification 244
Aggression 245
Alpha-function 247
Ambivalence 248
American psychoanalysis in relation to Klein 249
Annihilation 251
Anxiety 253
Assimilation 255
Autism 256
Babies 258
Baby observation 258
Bad object 258
Basic assumptions 259
Beta -elements 261
Esther Bick 262
Wilfred Bion 263
Bizarre objects 267
Breast 269
Castration 269
Classical psychoanalysis 270
Coitus 270
Combined parent figure 271
Component instincts 273
Concern 277
Confusional states 277
Constitutional factor 278
Contact barrier 279
Container/contained 279
Contempt 285
Controversial Discussions 286
Countertransference 288
Creativity 295
Criminality 296
Death instinct 297
Defence mechanisms 305
Denial 309
Denigration 310
Depersonalisation 310
Depletion 310
Depressive anxiety 310
Development 315
Dreams 315
Economic model 316
Ego 319
Ego psychology 321
Empathy 321
Environment 322
Epistemophilia 323
External object 326
External world/environment 327
Externalisation 334
Faeces 334
Ronald Fairbairn 335
Father 340
Femininity 341
Femininity phase 342
Fragmentation 345
Anna Freud 346
Genetic continuity 347
Good object 348
Gratitude 349
Greed 350
Grid 351
Grievance 351
Guilt 352
Paula Heimann 353
Hysteria 355
Id 357
Ideal object 358
Idealisation 359
Identification 360
Incorporation 364
Infant observation 365
Inhibition 367
Innate knowledge 367
Instincts 369
Integration 373
Internal reality 374
Internalisation 374
Introjection 374
Susan Isaacs 379
Jealousy 380
Betty Joseph 381
Melanie Klein 384
Kleinian Group 386
Libido 388
Life instinct 392
Linking 394
Loss 396
Love 397
Manic defences 398
Manic reparation 400
Masculinity 400
Masturbation phantasies 400
Donald Meltzer 402
Memory and desire 404
Mind-body problem 405
Mother 407
Mourning 408
Nameless dread 408
Narcissism 409
Negative therapeutic reaction 416
Object-Relations School 419
Objects 424
Obsessional defences 426
Omnipotence 432
Paranoia 433
Paranoid defence against depressive anxiety 433
Part-objects 434
Penis and phallus 436
Persecution 438
Personification 439
Perversion 440
Phobia 445
Play 447
Play technique 449
Poisoning 449
Position 449
Preconception 451
Primal scene 451
Projection 453
Os<->D 456
Psychic change 458
Psychic development 459
Psychic equilibrium 462
Psychic pain 463
Psychic reality 464
Psychosis 466
Realisation 469
Reparation 470
Repression 472
Resistance 474
Restitution/restoration 475
Reverie 475
Herbert Rosenfeld 476
Sadism 479
Hanna Segal 480
Self 482
Skin 483
Social defence systems 488
Society 490
Splitting 491
Structure 497
Symbolic equation 504
Symptom 506
Teeth 507
Thinking and knowledge 508
Transference 515
Treatment alliance 519
The unconscious 520
Unconscious guilt 521
Whole object 523
Bibliography 0/ Kleinian publications 1920-1989 525


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