Autor: Antony Easthope
Editora: Routledge
Ano: 1999
Nº págs.: 182
Peso: 290 grs
Categoria Principal: Livros em Inglês
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1 Is there an unconscious? 1
Inner speech and the unconscious 4
Instinct and drive 5
Hypnosis 7
Dreams 9
Slips and mistakes in everyday life 13
Jokes 15
Art 18
Case histories 20
2 The unconscious in Freud and Lacan 24
The unconscious and childhood 25
Oedipus 28
Castration 30
Repression 31
law, language and society 33
Freud and the unconscious 36
Lacan and the unconscious 40
Some qualifications 44
3 The unconscious and the I 47
The ego 48
The Ego and the Id (1923) 55
Lacans ego 58
Being in love 66
4 The unconscious and sexuality 70
Oral and anal 72
Oral, anal - and genital 74
Masculinity 76
Femininity 79
Sexuality deflected 84
Homosexuality 87
Lacan: either being or meaning 89
Need, demand, desire 92
Sexuality in Lacan 97
5 The unconscious and the text 109
Fantasy 110
Dr No 111
The pleasures of the signifier 112
Author: Leonardo da Vinci 115
Content of the fantasy 117
Formal features 119
Art and the reader 124
Fantasy in Freud and Lacan 125
Multiple identiflcations: being beaten 127
Fantasy and pleasure in the text 129
Psycho 130
6 The unconscious and history 13S
Universal human nature? 135
Freud and history 137
Freud and Leninism 141
Possible reconciliations 142
Lacan and history 150
Psychoanalysis relative to history 152
Lacan and vision 153
The unconscious in groups and events 154
Happiness and human nature 162
Lacan and aggression 163
7 Conclusion: giving it ali away 165