Autor: Rosine Jozef Perelberg
Editora: Routledge
Ano: 2008
Nº págs.: 221
Peso: 420 grs
Categoria Principal: Livros em Inglês
About the authors Xlll
Preface XV
Acknowledgements XIX
Introduction 1
Part One
Theory and Clinical Practice
1 Time and space in psychoanalysis and anthropology 13
2 Après coup and unconscious phantasy 24
3 The oracle in dreams: the past and the future in the present 33
4 To be - or not to be - here: a womans denial of time and memory 49
5 The interplay between identification and identity in the analysis of a violent young man: issues of technique 66
6 Full and empty spaces in the analytic process 87
7 The Controversial Discussions and après coup (Full text here published for the first time) 106
8 Space and time in psychoanalytic listening 131
Part Two
9 Time and memory in One Hundred Years of Solitude (with Bella Jozef)
10 What can you possibly learn from babies? - on psychoanalytic constructions of primal infants
11 The infant and the infantile: on psychoanalytic research 181
References 194
Index 213