Autor: Jean-Michel Quinodoz
Editora: Routledge
Ano: 1993
Nº págs.: 211
Peso: 410 grs
Categoria Principal: Livros em Inglês
Foreword by Hanna Sega! ix
Part One: Separation anxiety in psychoanalytic practice
1 Separation anxiety in transference phantasies 3
2 Separation anxiety illustrated by a clinical example 14
3 Approaches to the interpretation of separation anxiety 25
Part Two: The place of separation anxiety in psychoanalytic theories
4 Freud, separation anxiety and object-loss 39
5 The views of Melanie Klein and her school on separation anxiety and object-loss 61
6 The place of separation anxiety and object-loss in the other main psychoanalytic theories 85
Part Three: Technical considerations
7 Transference interpretations of separation anxiety 107
8 Psychical pain and negative transference 128
9 Acting out and separation anxiety 143
10 The psychoanalytic setting and the container function 150
Part Four: The taming of solitude
11 Termination of the analysis and separation anxiety 157
12 The capacity to be alone, buoyancy and the integration of psychical life 166
Recapitulation and conclusions 188
Bibliography 194
Name index 204
Subject index 206